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Aims and Scope  

Caret welcomes submissions relating to topics that can broadly be categorised under the heading “English Studies.” We especially welcome inter-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary work that interrogates methods and topics that are conventionally associated or identified with English Studies. If you are uncertain about whether your paper complies with the journal’s scope, please contact the editors at Please also certify that your work is not being considered by any other publications at this time. If it has been published in other publications, please make sure that your license agreement with the previous publication allows you to republish.

Types of Manuscripts 

Caret accepts traditional research papers, reviews, research-creation projects, and creative and multimedia projects.

Maximum Length

Research papers: 5,000 words (not including abstract or bibliography)

Reviews: 1,000 words

Research-creation projects: 10 pages (single spaced)

Creative/multimedia projects: at the editorial board’s discretion

Please note that these word counts exclude the title, abstract, headings, acknowledgements, figures, tables, boxes, abstract, references, and supplemental material. 

Formatting Your Manuscript 

  • The preferred format for your manuscript is Word. 

  • Please prepare two copies of your manuscript for your submission:

    • One anonymized:

      • Remove your name, contact information, and institutional affiliation from the document.

      • With your document open, choose “File.”

      • Choose "Check for Issues.”

      • Choose "Inspect Document."

      • Check the "Document Properties and Personal Information" box.

      • Click "Inspect,” then “Remove All.”

      • Choose "Close,” then hit the “Esc” key to return to your document.

      • Use "Save As" to save the file with a new name that does not include your name, contact information, or institutional affiliation.

    • One with your name, contact information, and institutional affiliation (if any).  

  • Ensure that your manuscript is consistent with the latest MLA citation style, and that you have adequately cited all your sources, including figures and images. Please refer to the “Author Resources” section for citation guidelines.

Editorial and Peer Review Process 

Manuscripts submitted for publishing will first be assessed by members of the editorial board, followed by a double-anonymous peer review process, where the author’s and reviewer’s identities are concealed. Authors will receive suggestions and comments and may be asked to revise their submissions. The author will be notified regarding acceptance or rejection. 

To make sure that all of our authors receive as much feedback as possible, we provide the same editorial process to all submissions of any type. This means that, by submitting to Caret, the author enters into a community of editors and peer reviewers who all work together to make the work—whether academic, creative, or somewhere in-between—the best that it can be.

Simultaneous Submission

Please avoid simultaneous submission. If your work is already submitted to another journal, you cannot submit it to Caret until it is no longer under consideration at the other journal. Once you submit your work to Caret, you cannot submit it to another journal until it is no longer under consideration at Caret. While simultaneous submission may seem like a good way to speed up the publishing process, it actually slows down the publishing community as a whole by making multiple editors and reviewers do redundant work.

Author Resources

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